Monday, March 30, 2009

cookie monster

Well, a guy from my Mom's church has been staying here for almost 2 weeks now, earning his keep by cutting up a tree from the big storm last May.
I've never seen anyone eat sweets the way he does...
2 donuts at a time followed by 10 Oreos...drinks 2 cans of pop at a time. He even gets up in the middle of the night to eat sweets. This past week, Oreos were on sale and I have bought 3 packages...all gone. His other thing is hot dogs, told me he wants them again for dinner tonight..fine by me, I'm fixing chicken alfredo...he can cook his own hotdogs.
He's supposed to leave sometime this week. Considering my grocery bill since he's been here, I think it would have been cheaper to hire someone to take out the tree and hail it off.

1 comment:

  1. lol! or maybe you could've have just paid him in cookies and hot dogs. :p
